
Decommissioning of former OCV Italia S.r.l. site (2015)

Stripping out, reclamation and demolition of facilities at the former OCV Italia S.r.l. site in Vado Ligure (SV).

Controlled demolition of buildings (no. 3 silos and no. 1 three-storey reinforced concrete building), after cutting them off by diamond wire. The facilities of the silos and building were demolished from the top down using an excavator with shears and a 25m long-reach demolition boom, after removing all asbestos-containing parts.

• Layout of the site.
• Removal of asbestos cement materials and products

• Static cutting of facilities by diamond wire or diamond disk, to protect the stability of the adjoining buildings.
• Heavy demolitions using an excavator with a concrete crushing cutter to crush the facilities of the silos and building, without affecting the adjoining buildings.
• Oxy-propane cutting of uncontaminated parts.
• Waste management
• Handling and loading of demolished and crushed materials.